Jennifer Belthoff

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today is the day

Today is the day to be awesome!  To forget about what everyone else is saying and listen to the sound of your own voice.  To say YES to that one thing you have been wanting to do, really wanting to do.  Weather it is curling up in bed with your favorite book, going on an adventure, or booking your ticket for a travel excursion listen deeply to what you want to do and do it!

Today is the day to remember that our time here is limited. Don't waste it doing things that do not feed your soul.  Seek out what moves.  Reach for your dreams.  Let go of anything and anyone that doesn't bring you happiness.  Clear space for all the goodness you are inviting into your world.  

Today is the day to choose to look forward and not back.  To forgive yourself and others for any past hardship.  To take control of your own life and carve your own path.  You are the one who decides where you are going to go.  Don't make it harder for yourself by holding onto old hurt and pain.  Set yourself free and take a bold step forward.  

Today is the day to tell those you love how much they mean to you.  Be gushy and over the top about it.  Let them know, really know the special place you hold in your heart for them.  Spread love and kindness around. 

Today is the day to let go and be silly. To dance wildly, play like you are five years old, blow bubbles, draw with chalk, ride your bike.  Forget how old you are and let go into the world of fun.  

Yes, today is the day to be YOU.  Exactly as you are.  There is no need for you to show up as anything but yourself.  Are you clothes wrinkled, did you not put on make up?  That is ok.  Show up proudly.  Head held high, shoulders back.  Walk into a room and know that YOU exactly as you are is enough.  

This post was inspired from the second prompt of the Love Notes Postcard Project:

Today is the day ...

Finish the sentence and share what your world would look like in the comments below