Jennifer Belthoff

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next steps

You are standing on the edge of the cliff and I know out of desperation you want to jump but please just take a moment.  Take a deep breathe in and look around.  Look how far you have come.  I know it is hard right now, really hard, but know that this isn't the end.  In fact it is the beginning of something brand new.  Something unknown.  Something you are in charge of creating.  This is your opportunity to find what makes you happy and create that happiness for yourself.  You no longer have to live where you do not want to be.  But don't jump to quickly.  Be thoughtful about your next steps.  Realize how one step leads to another and you want to create a strong block for you to stand on.  

I know you are hurt.  I can see it in your eyes.  I know the pain is deep.  But know that this pain is temporary.  There is a fresh new world waiting for you, ready to embrace you with love and light.  Fall deeply into this love.  Do not carry your hurt with you every where you travel.  Smile, laugh, remember how truly amazing you are.  Yes, you are incredible.  Do not ever let anyone else tell you other wise.  You get to decide what you are going to do next.  You decide who you are going to let in, and who are you going to let go of.  Follow your heart and trust your gut.  You know what you want. You know what you need.  Do not compromise on the things that matter most to you. Show up with your head held high and your shoulders back.  You have nothing to be ashamed of.  You gave it your all.  You learned valuable lessons along the way.  You are shifting into new possibilities.  Be right here.