Jennifer Belthoff

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writing prompts

It was a moment unlike many others
I stood on the edge of a big decision
And I said yes

It was not hard to make the choice
Staying still no longer felt possible
I had to break free, I had to run

It was terrifying and thrilling
I had no idea where I was going
All I knew was that I had to keep moving forward

Here I stand on the other side of despair
Head held high
Heart open and free

Here I stand stronger, braver, open
Ready to take on challenges that come my way
Wiser for all that I have gone through

Here I stand proud of myself for taking the risk
Soaking in the beautiful life
And navigating my own journey

There are many times when the blank pages stares at me and I am not sure where to begin.  It can feel intimidating even when I know there are stories in my heart that need to be written.  This is when I turn to writing prompts.  There are two different ways that I do this:

1.  Words to begin with.  

n the poem above the words I began with were "It was..." and "Here I stand..."  I merged these two prompts into one poem because they felt right to be paired together.   I have a bunch of words to begin with stashed away in a note on my evernote account. As I come across more I jot them down for a rainy day.  

Begin a list of your own.  Tuck it some where that you can easily access it.  When you are stuck on what to write turn to that list and choose one.  If you still feel stuck pick another.   Remember, there are no rules.  

Having a jumping off point make it so much easier to begin.  The blank page feels less intimidating and I never know where the prompt will lead me.  You may think that you are going to head in one direction when you first read it and then all of the sudden your pen takes you on a completely different journey.  Be open to what bubbles up.  

2.  One word

Words speak deeply to me.  Some of my favorite words are serendipity, gratitude, open, wild, intriguing, action.  I have taken all of my favorite words and written them down on individual index cards.  When I am feeling stuck I pull one out and write whatever comes up from that word.  It feels like a game and gives me a purpose. 

What are some of your favorite words?  Make a list of them or create separate cards for each.  Take it one step further and write your own definition of each word.  Not the definition from the dictionary, but what the word actually means to you.  We all know the definition of words, but we seldom realize what power and meaning a specific word can hold for another.  

Having these different prompts makes it easier for you to jump into writing.  Go ahead, give it a try.  Do you have a specific prompt that you love?  Share it in the comments so that we can all give it a whirl.