Jennifer Belthoff

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Time is a funny thing
It moves too fast
Or too slow
We struggle to find the happy medium
Of time moving just right
We never seem to have enough of it
and we are in a constant stat of rushing 
To make it somewhere, just in time
At work the minutes tick by in a slow and steady drag
On vacation if feels as if time rushes past in the blink of an eye
We think we have to wait for the perfect moment
To begin a dream
Chase after a desire
Share our love with another
We have a constant eye on the clock
Watching it, analyzing, but never truly appreciating it

But here is the thing
There is no need to watch and wait
You just need to keep going
You need to chase your dreams
Find what lights you up
Go wildly into the unknown
Explore and savor
Seek and find
You need to never give up
Push yourself forward
Reach for your edges
Leap and risk
Time will always find a way to catch up with you
So don't wait for it
Just keep going