Jennifer Belthoff

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happy wishes

Sending you wishes of love and light  and we inch closer and closer to a brand new year.  Thank you for being here with me on this journey.  I am grateful for this community and the love and light you shine on me.  I enjoy sharing my moments here and it is a comfort to know that you are on the other side of the screen.  

I have big dreams for 2016 and one of them involves connecting deeper with you.  I want to hear your stories, see your faces, and give you a giant hug.  It is these connections that push us further and help us along on our journey.  Without them we are lost.  For it is love that get's us through, always.  

As the year comes to a close I look forward to spending it with family.  Sharing memories and keeping the light of my mom burning bright.  I know she will be looking down on all of us.  

I wish each of you love and light as you make your own plans for how you want 2016 to look and feel.  Dig deep into your heart and know that your inner light is there and the world wants to see you shine.  Now is a chance to write the story you always dreamed of.  Pick up the pen and write away.