Jennifer Belthoff

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finding your way

What I really want to tell you is there was a moment in time when I didn't think I would make it to this day.  I felt invisible to the world, fearful even of being forgotten.  I fell deep into a dark place.  Navigating my own path seemed impossible.

Yet here I stand today in full bloom.  Lifting my head up to the sun and reaching for my dreams.  Grateful for choosing to push through, even when I wasn't sure how.  It wasn't always easy but with each step I found myself a little bit more.  

Know that your travels through this life may not always be easy. There will be times of darkness and you will be tested.  The sun may not be shining today, but there will come a day when it will shine again.  Be grateful for the moment, even if it may seem bleak.  

You will rise above.  Light will shine on your path helping to guide you home.  You will be more courageous than you thought you ever could be.  Happiness will be infused through you.  For this is your life, yes your life.