Jennifer Belthoff

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the moment you said yes

It was the moment you said yes that it all came together
The exact moment that you choose to no longer hide behind the curtain
But stand on the stage with the spot light on
You knew that you deserved to be seen
And bravely you stepped out

It was the moment when you said yes to sharing your heart
Not just with those around you, but with the great big wide world
This is the moment it all became more real
You saw how powerful truth and bravery are
Just like you knew they were

It was the moment that you said yes to facing the difficult questions
Looking for the truth behind the story
Listening in
Sharing bravely
And letting the world see for exactly who you are

It was the moment that you said yes to others desires
Wanting to see them sparkle and shine
You encouraged
Held hands and stepped together
And also stepped out of the way

It was the moment that you said yes to feel all that comes up
You knew along the journey there would be difficult questions
Moments of struggle that you would have to face
Differences and judgments
You knew this was all part of getting real and living boldly

It was the moment that you said yes that your whole world shifted
And so did the world for those around you
You have shown up with so much courage and bravery
Sharing the truth of your story with love and kindness
It is through you that others are inspired, reahcing for their own moment to say yes

:: this post is inspired by my dear friend mindy tsonas whose brave, honest, and raw heart inspires me each and every day.  she shows up in this world with her heart wide open, inviting others in, and never once judging.  she is amazing and i am so blessed to call her a friend.