Jennifer Belthoff

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20 things you should begin, right now

1.  Smile.  That's right, lets start with a smile

2.  Drink more water

3.  Let go of fear

4.  Find time to play

5.  Give your partner, your kids, your parents a hug . . . right now

6.   Make a wish

7.  Write down three of your dreams and tuck them away

8.  Tell someone a joke

9.  Take three deep breathes and give thanks for where you are and how far you have come

10.  Get more sleep

11.  Feed your body foods that nourish your soul

12.  Write a love letter . . . to yourself

13.  Step outside and breathe in the fresh air . . . every single day

14.  Go for a walk . . . even if it is only around the block

15.  Laugh deep belly laughs

16.  Say hello to strangers

17.  Trust yourself

18.  Forgive  . . .  yourself and others

19.  Say "I love you"

20.  Slow down and be gentle with yourself