Jennifer Belthoff

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choosing your own destiny

You do not have to do the things that have always been done
You can be the hero of your own story
You can grab the reigns and choose the direction you want to go
You do not have to drop everything and run to do this
You can begin slowly by asking the questions

What have you come here to do with your one precious life?
What moves you?
What calls to you when everything else is silent?
What grounds you?

You can carve out your own path
You can find your own way home
You can choose which way to go

Honor your commitment
Go towards it
Write your own story
Follow your heart no matter what an outsider may say

Today is the day to take one step towards living more fully you
Today is the day to choose you before choosing others
Today is the day you say yes to this great big adventure we call life
Today is as good a day as any to begin.  

What will you say yes to?
What one little thing will you choose to push you closer?
How will you blossom?
How will you step more fully into yourself?

Anaiss Nin says it best:  "And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom"